Zagora (PRIDE, 1978)
height 28", bloom 5", season M, Dormant, Tetraploid,  Amber blend with deep purple eyezone.
Zephyr's Song (Stamile, 2004)
height 33", bloom 6.5", season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant,  Pink chartreuse with lettuce green edge above green throat.
Zona Rosa (Santa Lucia, 1995)
height 27", bloom 5.5", season E, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Double ,  Cerise-rose blend and green throat.

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You Angel You (Stamile-G., 1993)
height 15", bloom 2", season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Double ,  Cream with red eyezone above green throat.
You Can Believe (Joiner-J., 2005)
height 26", bloom 7", season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, 24 buds, 5 branches, Double 90%,  Wild rose with holly berry eye above green throat.
Yuma (Whatley, 1979)
height 25", bloom 6", season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid,  Yellow rose blend with yellow throat.
Yazoo Cinnamon Stick (Smith-W.H., 1986)
height 20", bloom 5", season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, Double ,  Cream and cinnamon blend with gold throat.
Yazoo Double Butterscotch (Smith-W.H., 1984)
height 24", bloom 6.5", season M, Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, Double ,  Blend of gold, brown and red with gold throat
Yazoo Jim Terry (Smith-Barfield, 1992)
height 20", bloom 6", season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Double ,  Rose pink self with lemon to lime throat.
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Yankee Doodle Blues (Stamile-G., 2006)
height 18", bloom 2.75", season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 24 buds, 4 branches, Double 80%,  Purple with blue gray patterened watermark above green throat. Photo -